Friday, April 8, 2011

Prepare for Alpaction

Alpacas are known throughout the world for their adorable faces, for their ability to reduce stress, ward off the undead, promote the growth of maize and other grain crops and, perhaps most famously, for their fuzzy wool that can keep you soft and warm on a cold night in the Andes.  Alpacas can also grant wishes, though this is less commonly well known.

We, the Alpaca Action Squad, would like to allow the rest of the world to have the wonderful feeling of Alpacan wishes, and are offering the free to anyone willing to fulfill these simple conditions:
  • Wishes much be for other people (don't try and fool and Alpaca by wishing for yourself, they know!!)
  • Wishes should be kind and generous, but shouldn't tax the Alpaca's wishing glands too much (there are an awful lot of people out there needing wishes, don't be greedy!)
  • Alpaca wishes are always anonymous, so never admit to it, even if you're asked!  It's not polite to an Alpaca after all his or her hard work to give yourself away!
  • You have to not mind if we post the really fun and sweet wishes on this blog (anonymously, of course).
If you agree to all this, then email our fuzzy team of Alpaca wranglers.

Provide us with:
  • An email address that you would like to send the notification of the wish to (don't worry, we will not disclose who you are).
  • What your wish for that person is, and if you have a special time when it should be sent (like on a birthday), 
We will do our very best to get the Alpacas to play along (though we can't promise anything, they are a tricky bunch).